Tracking information may take up to 24 hours to display. If you received your tracking number but it is not working, please check back later.
All orders will ship between 1 and 2 business days after your purchase. Once your order has shipped you will receive a shipping confirmation with your shipment details and tracking number. If you do not get this email or if you are unsure about the status of your order, please contact us.
By default all shipments are done through USPS First Class. Shipping times on First Class packages are between 2 and 7 business days. However, First Class packages are not guaranteed for delivery within 7 days, so if your package takes longer we will be unable to refund you. For larger packages we may use FedEx Ground, which has a delivery speed between 2 and 5 days.
If you would like to upgrade your package, you may select USPS Priority Mail for an additional charge. Priority Mail packages have a guaranteed shipping time of 1-3 business days. Please remember that processing times still apply. Once you place your order, there could be a total of 5 business days before your package arrives. If it does not arrive during this time we will refund your shipping.
The Corpsman’s Apothecary will offer a full refund only if there was a defect in the product or if the product is unused. Sorry, no partial refunds. Shipping charges are not eligible for refund unless the returned product is defective. International customers are responsible for postage costs on any returned order. Please email if you would like to make a return.
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